DNA – The Demi and Ashton Foundation
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DNA – The Demi and Ashton Foundation – aims to eliminate child sex slavery worldwide. Believing that freedom is a fundamental human right, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher founded DNA to help raise awareness about this horrific problem, change cultural stereotypes and rehabilitate the innocent victims.
More people are slaves today than ever before and the numbers are soaring. Men, women and children are enslaved for many purposes including sex, pornography, forced labor and indentured servitude. Among slaves, children are the most vulnerable and their rights are the least recognized. Each year, the global sex slavery market generates $32 billion in profits. More than one million women and children are trafficked across international borders every year. In just the United States, between 150,000 and 300,000 children are enslaved and sold for sex. The sex slavery industry has become an increasingly important revenue source for organized crime because each young girl can earn between $150,000 and $200,000 each year for her pimp.
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These are our sisters, our mothers, our nieces, our friends. Knowledge is power. If you care about them, share this with everyone. #DNA
Demi and Ashton hope to help abolish modern day slavery, punish perpetrators and free the many innocent and exploited victims. The DNA Foundation is committed to protecting the freedom of the world’s most vulnerable citizens by forcing sex slavery out of the shadows and into the spotlight. Freedom is a basic human right and slavery is one of the greatest threats to that freedom. No one has the right to enslave another person.
Freedom – It’s in our DNA.
Your donation goes to support the core mission of:
DEMI AND ASHTON FOUNDATION, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Larry King : Twitter , Ashton Kutcher and Sean Combs
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Larry King talks about Twitter with Ashton Kutcher and Sean Combs.